When images started to come through of the Prada fall winter 2007/08 advertising campaign and this image caught my eye. The leather bows on the small clutches can act as a slot for your hand to slide into and hold the bag – or you could use the long strap that comes with it. I usually love bows, but I’m not sure about this look. Maybe if I saw it in full black or white leather it could look better…
What do you think of the bow attachment/clutch idea?
Oh and this campaign features Sasha Pivavrova, Irina Kulikova, and Anabela Belikova in a campaign shot by Steven Meisel.
[Image from TFS]
i think it’s cute
I actually like it. I would certainly be less likely to misplace it.
Oh my gosh I love the orange one! Usually orange makes me want to throw up but that shade really pops!
Any idea where I can buy one of these bags in the uk!
Hi Dawnie,
Try a Prada boutique or a high end department store which stocks Parda.
I want this bag so bad. I saw the ad in several magazines. You can view the bag on the Prada website but the site does not offer shopping. I can’t find this particular clutch on any web sites. I’ve checked Neiman Marcus, the Raffaello Network, Bluefly. Nothing. Perhaps because it is too new. Any ideas?
Hi Andrea,
Pop into your local Prada store, I was in one the other day (in Hawaii) and they have a few in stock.
Must admit I’m still not a big fan though
I love it! I think its cute, very creative and adorable! I love most of Prada’s bag/clutch designs. Thinking about it, I now actually want one!
They had one in last month’s Madison. Very cute.
Its adorable.. I just bought it today and everyone’s freaking on it