Attacking 101 in Lords Mobile

A guide for small to medium castles attacking in the MMORPG game, Lords Mobile. Originally written by me (Helen) for my guild, T’O, but think it’s a good guide to share with the rest of the world. Enjoy!

Part 1

Before you even think about burning you need to have prepared:

1. Military Research

Max out as much as you can in your military tree for your castle level. This also includes maxing out your Intel Report because having a good scout report is also key to knowing what your opponent has so you know how to counter.

2. War gear

While researching military, forge war gear. The best war gear will be available for when you’re Level 60, but any army attack boost or HP boost war gear is better than none. Personally I don’t put jewels in my war gear, I’m saving them to make into purple or gold jewels for my Level 60 gear, but this is a personal choice as extracting them at a later date costs gems.

3. Know what troops counter what.

Infantry > Range, Range > Cavalry, Cavalry > Infantry.

And they all counter siege.

4. Do you have enough troops?

Not only just T3s but also some meat shields in T2s or T1s. Ideally you have enough of 1 troop type to fill an army. Its ok if you don’t, but 150k of each T3 troop is recommended (not siege though).

5. What is your shelter space capacity?

Get the familiar Harpy to expand it and research shelter expansion so you can hide excess troops.

6. Do you know how to reset your Innate Talents?

Setting or resetting your talents to your war talents is really important and like war gear it helps you hit cleaner and harder so you get less loses.

7. Understand that when you attack you will suffer losses

It’s the name of the game. No one hits 100% clean. but with practice, using a meat shield and knowing all of the above, you will suffer less losses. Go somewhere quiet and practice on abandoned castles if you need time and space to work it out.

8. Know that kills are no guarantee even when you port to a hive.

People will bubble or the hive has recently been burnt by someone else. When solo hunting, use randoms and scout all castles around you before using relocators (or gems for relocators).

Part 2

1. Using your Leader to attack. The pros and cons.

It is recommended you use your leader to attack, as you get the extra attack buffs from him/her and your gear. I.e. If you have Rose Knight at your leader, and she is sheltered, you won’t get the army attack boost she has. Sometimes when I am solo-ing I will switch to another leader, shelter her, and use Rose as a hero if I am wary of being sniped or losing my leader. I don’t get the gear boosts, but I still get her army boosts.

Using your leader as a small castle makes difference – to see how much of a difference using him with your gear and talents make, put on your gear and war talents and click on your hero then magnifying glass on the left. Scroll down and the green numbers are your boosts with your hero in use. The grey ones are the ones without.

Also see what happens to those numbers when you haven’t got your war gear on and your talents set.

2. Scout before you attack. And use Anti Scout.

Unless you’re a T4 castle hitting someone who’s a fraction of your size, you need to know if you’re hitting a castle with troops or rss inside. Even if you have T4s, you should scout. Not only that, you want to know how many troops and which troops so you can counter accordingly. Make sure your Intel Report is researched to 10, so you can see wall heros and any reinforcements and garrisons as well.

If someone is using anti scout they are either smart, reinforced or hiding RSS.

On that note… ALWAYS USE ANTI SCOUT. Big castles usually ALWAYS have anti scout on, even if they are bubbled so if their shield drops, someone can’t get their troop composition and zero them with one or two rally’s. It’s a smart practice to keep on top of.

3. Choose the correct heros

Don’t ever use auto select for your heros when preparing to launch an attack. Get to know each of your heros war buffs and choose accordingly.

Army attack/HP F2P heros are Rose Knight and Bombling Goblin, medal them up to get the best boosts.

Then look at the individual troop type buffs – Tracker, Snow Queen and Black Crow are awesome for range; Demon Slayer and Oath Keeper for Infantry; and Rose Knight and Child of Light for Cavalry.

If you’re willing to invest the money, there are some great army and troop boosting heros but know that you will have to spend money every time they appear in the mall to medal them up to Blue/Purple/Gold.

4. Use a Meat Shield

When attacking, you will always lose some troops. So use some lower level troops of the same type to be the deads. If you are using t3 you need a t2/t1 buffer. this keeps your t3 safe from death as your t2/t1 will ALWAYS die first. Generally a 80/20% ratio works well, depending on what you’re hitting.

5. Know how to defend / hide

Because you’re out and about with Battle Fury active, bigger castles may port in on you to kill your troops. Know how to hide. You can hide your troops quickly in shelter, doing a 8 hour Darknest/Unguilded castle rally or sending them to gather on a tile at least a 20min walk away (because you can recall half way there when fury is over and you can bubble). Don’t send them to camp, someone can port over and attack it.

You will get lit up at some point. There are always bigger and badder castles around. It’s the nature of the game. Don’t let that turn you off. I’ve been lit up countless times when out and about because I’m small enough to solo. Ask my guild mates.

Always tap on the Watchtower icon on the top right hand side of your screen and check what’s incoming as it could be a fake 1 troop attack or it could be a small army of T1/2s, which if that is the case, take the hit if your troops outnumber his. It’s free kills 😉

Also in between hive visits or attacks, make sure you keep your infirmary clear or low.

Part 3

So you’ve read all of the above and are ready to burn, some extra things to remember…

When you’re ready to burn:

  1. Make sure you infirmary is clear
  2. Put on you war gear and anti scout
  3. Change your talents to war
  4. Check how many randoms and relocators you have. If you don’t have relocators, make sure you have gems.

When you’re scouting, pay attention to:

  1. Troop count and mix so you know how to counter
  2. Reinforcements and garrison
  3. Available rss – remember you’re also hunting for free rss and not just kills

When you’re ready to launch an attack:

  1. Choose a troop composition that counters theirs
  2. Choose heros accordingly
  3. Watch for reinforcements from your targets guildmates so you can recall. If you don’t you will suffer losses
  4. Hide excess troops in shelter or in a DN rally if you’re worried about being hit by a bigger castle in a hive

After an attack:

  1. Check the Battle Report – did you kill all the troops and get all the resources?
  2. Do you need to go back and kill the rest of the troops? If so, make sure you counter their Phalanx now that you know what it is from the Battle Report and counter their remaining troops.
  3. If the attack was a success and their leader was out, you should have them captured in your prison 🙂 Set a ransom, execute it… or release it!
    If you keep a leader, know that the castle can track you where ever you go. If you’re still attacking, make sure someone is keeping an eye on Kingdom/World Chat in case the leader’s castle is spamming it with your coordinates and trying to get a bigger castle to hit you to have it released.

And most of all… HAVE FUN!

Your guild mates will be there if you need help (if you have good ones like us). Just ask!

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