Interview: Frank Body on Instagram, men who scrub and more

Have you heard of Frank Body? If not, where you have been? The Australian natural skincare brand started their business with one single coffee based body scrub for AU$14.95 and has grown into a successful Australian beauty brand in just two years. Thanks in large part to their legions of fans around the world on their Instagram account @Frank_Bod – which at current count is at over 667,000 fans!


We chat to Erika Geraerts, and Jess Hatzis, two of the five (cool and super photogenic) founders about all things Frank Body in their Melbourne office. From who is Frank, where their coffee is sourced and is their coffee scrub doing damage to your face, we ask it all. Oh and of course about who Frank regram, after all who doesn’t want to be regrammed on an Instagram account with more than half a million followers?

Watch our video interview below and stay tuned for our review of Frank Body’s new all natural skincare line.

Please excuse the fact I look like the size of a house since I am sitting closest to the camera and not in black. That’s what I’m telling myself anyway.