Blair Waldorf Leighton Meester with Julie Haus, Julie’s designs on the runway
Our Friday was literally booked solid with fashion shows, and so by the time Julie Haus‘ mid-afternoon debut runway set was upon us, we were weak, weary, and unfocused. Did we expect this show to mark the highlight of our Fashion Week experience thus far? Not really. But did it? Yes, pretty much! And why? Well, let’s just say it wasn’t the clothes, per se. To be blunt, it was the stars and gift bags that blew our minds. Mostly, it was because we chatted up the legendary Miss Blair Waldorf herself, Leighton Meester about her musical tastes and if she forsees modeling in her future.
While we were served champagne by very cute waiters, we waited for the show to begin. Suddenly, a swarm of paparazzi took command of the room and every fashionista-in-training trembled in her Jimmy Choos, breathless with VIP voyeurism. And what a motley crue it was: Robert Buckley, Jamie Lynn Sigler, Molly Sims and Leighton Meester all arrived heel-to-toe and sent the room into hysterics. While they were being seated, we finally checked out our goodie bags and couldn’t believe our eyes: everyone got a free Nintendo DS Lite. Our brothers will be so jealous. Oh yeah – also included free makeup from The Balm, a Julie Haus belt, and other fashion-friendly goodies. It was by far the best swag bag yet – especially since BCBG’s gift to us was – we kid you not – a tin of mints.
Of course, the reason we were all there – the fashion – was not bad at all. Julie Haus makes perfectly respectable dresses and separates to romp around in. Like Abigail Lorick, she makes uncomplicated pretty things, only this time Julie insisted that her clothing was “rebellious”, which we didn’t exactly buy because it was nearly identical to everything else she’s made, except every model wore ankle boots and Ray-Bans (because that signifies a true libertine). Anyway, the “Not A Wallflower” collection – inspired by riotous babes everywhere – was solid. And the petite Miss Haus was very sweet, so we wish her the best.
Now on to the good stuff: speaking to Leighton.
At the show’s finale, everyone swarmed the celebrity zone, only the stars dematerialized before our eyes, with only poor Leighton Meester unable to escape us. She ended up graciously posing for photos, speaking to the “press” (aka fans with digital recorders), and yes, to SASSYBELLA.com. We wanted to get her take on something aside from Gossip Girl and clothing (for the record she describes her own style as “less preppy” than Blair’s) and instead found out what music she obsesses over.
“I love THIS song”, said Leighton, referring to Estelle’s “American Boy”, which blared on the speakers. Other favorites? Kanye West, MGMT, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, The Kills, Madonna, and Prince.
When asked if she forsees herself starring in modeling campaigns – something along the lines of what co-star Taylor Momsen does – she says that it may happen “someday”, but not in the immediate future. For now, she’s Blair Waldorf and sticking to it.
And with that, we ended our Friday on a high note.
More photos of Julie Haus’ designs:
All images property of Colleen Nika for SASSYBELLA.com