We’re testing your designer bag knowledge at SASSYBELLA.com
The last guess the ‘inspired by’ bag was a little hard to guess, but Eliza did get it right with her guess. Now can you tell me what designer bag inspired this brown faux leather satchel? The original version of this bag was long coveted by me, because I finally caved and bought it. The demand for the original bag was so high that the French design hose started making variations of the design. So, can you tell me:
1. What is name of the (real) bag and it’s designers’ name?
2. For extra points, can you tell me what are the differences?
P.S. If designer inspired bags are your thing, you can buy this one for $37.99 at AccessoryBug.com.
Inspired by the Chloe Paddington, maybe?
Handles missing the extra ‘grip’ and the lock is obviously missing. Metal hardware attaching handles to bag is also missing.
Wait, I take that back. It’s inspired by the Chloe Edith satchel! Shape of the bag is slightly different. Chloe bag is more of a trapezoid while the replica is more rectangular.
duh, they say it’s the edith bag on accessorybug.com !! the real edith has a pocket and two buckles.
chloe paddington, pheobe philo.