If women don’t have enough bags to put all their shopping in, there is always their bra…. yes, their bra.
Triumph International Japan have just launched a eco bra made of recycled polyester fibre where the cup padding allows it to be morphed into a bag.
Named after TV characters who change into superheros, ‘Bra Rangers’ can also be purchased with matching underwear (though as far as I know they don’t morph into a bag or extra cash for all your extra shopping).
This is in a bid to discourage the shopaholics from using plastic bags whilst doing their grocery shopping. Though I don’t know what it will do to help the support women’s breasts or the risk of exposing yourself in your local supermarket.
A spokesman for Triumph said: “In this context, what deserves the most attention is the significance of each and every customer understanding the importance of not using plastic bags.”
The company has sought a patent for the eco-bra, although there are no plans yet to put it on general sale.
hahaha! what will the japanese think of next!